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Social Artivist 

I am Jamie, also known as The Social Artivist, and my journey with art spans back to the earliest memories of my existence. Unbeknownst to me at the time, art served as a silent sanctuary during my formative years, providing solace amidst the turbulence of life's trials. Reflecting upon those tumultuous times, I recognize how art became my conduit for processing and healing from the wounds of trauma, offering me an avenue to articulate emotions that eluded verbal or physical expression.


During my adolescent years, the demands of life eclipsed my devotion to the arts, relegating them to the periphery of my existence. However, upon immersing myself in the study of art and design at university, my passion reignited with an intensity that surpassed previous bounds. Since then, my artistic journey has been one of perpetual evolution—a relentless pursuit of mastery through the acquisition of new techniques, the refinement of my unique style, and an unwavering commitment to exploring the transformative potential in diverse artistic modalities.


My aspirations as an artist extend beyond the confines of personal creation; they encompass a broader mission to inspire both the young and the elderly to embrace art as a conduit for self-expression and communal enrichment. Recognizing the profound societal and global implications of artistic engagement, I am driven by a burning desire to advocate for the widespread integration of art into the fabric of our collective consciousness.

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